Terms and Conditions

  1. Use of Platform

Welcome to Hungamastart, this website (the “Website”) is owned and operated by Hungamastart E-commerce

(“We” or “US”) as a service to our customers.

Please note that your use of the Website service constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”).

We maintain all authority to change the Agreements whenever. Any such changes will produce results when posted on the Site.
You must peruse the Agreements on each event you utilize this Site and your proceeding with utilization of the Site will mean your acknowledgment to be limited by the most recent Agreements.
If you don’t consent to (or can’t agree with) any of the Agreements, don’t utilize this Site.

All the Data (as characterized below) given should be exact. Giving any off-base Data comprises a break of these Agreements. By affirming your buy toward the finish of the checkout interaction, you consent to acknowledge and pay for the item(s) mentioned.

On the off chance that you are not a shopper, you affirm that you have the position to tie any business.


If it’s not too much trouble, note that there might be certain requests that we might reject or drop. We hold the right, at our only watchfulness, to reject or drop any request under any circumstance.

For your benefit, you won’t be charged until your installment strategy is approved; the request data is confirmed for exactness.

A few circumstances might bring about your request being dropped because of limits on amounts accessible for procurement, mistakes or blunders in item or estimating data, or issues distinguished by our pertinent division.

We may likewise require extra confirmations or data before tolerating any request. We will reach you if all or any piece of your request is dropped or then again if extra data is expected to acknowledge your request. If your request is dropped after your Mastercard has been charged, we will give a sound representative for your Visa on how much the charge is.

Website Security

You are disallowed from disregarding the security of the Site, including, without constraint,

(a) getting to information not planned for such client or signing onto a server or a record which the client isn’t approved to get to;

(b) endeavoring to test, output, or test the openness of a framework or organization or to penetrate security or verification measures without legitimate approval;

(c) endeavoring to slow down support of any client, host, or organization, including, without limit, through methods for presenting infection to the Site, over-burdening, flooding, spamming, mail bombarding, or crashing;

(d) sending spontaneous messages, including advancements and additionally publicizing of items or administrations.
Infringement of framework or organization security might bring about common or criminal risk. We will examine such infringement and arraign clients who are associated with such infringement. You make a deal to avoid utilizing any gadget, programming, or routine to meddle or endeavor to obstruct the legitimate working of this Site or any action being directed on this Site. You concur, further, not to utilize or endeavor to utilize any motor, programming, apparatus, specialist, or other gadget or component (counting without limit programs, insects, robots, symbols, or insightful specialists) to explore or look through this Site other than the web crawler and search specialists accessible from us on this Site.

Admittance to the Site might be periodically limited to take into consideration fix, support, or the presentation of new offices or administrations.

Terms of Use

The Site can be utilized simply by people who can shape legitimately official agreements under relevant regulations. Uncouth people to contract are not qualified to utilize the Site. Assuming your age is below 18 years your folks or lawful watchmen can execute for the benefit of you on the off chance that they are enrolled clients/individuals. We maintain all authority to end your enlistment and decline to furnish you with admittance to the Site assuming We find that you are younger than 18 years.

Registration Process

The data (the “Data”) given from your end will be safeguarded by our Protection Strategy. Assuming you utilize the Site, you are liable for keeping up with the classification of your record and secret phrase and for confining admittance to your PC, and you consent to acknowledge liability regarding movements of every kind that happen under your record or secret key.

We expect no risk to any individual for any misfortune or harm that might emerge because of any disappointment by you to safeguard your secret word or record. Any dubious exercises for you will be informed to us by reaching us promptly through the location given below. Assuming that we have the motivation to accept that there is probably going to be a break of safety or abuse of the Site, we might expect you to change your secret word or we might suspend your record with no obligation to us.

Product’s Pricing

Blunders might happen during the time spent giving items and valuing data on the Site. We can’t affirm the cost of an item after requesting it. On the off chance that an item is recorded at a wrong cost or with mistaken data because of a blunder in valuing or item data, we will have the right, at our only tact, to either reach you for directions or drop your request and tell you of such retraction.

Assuming that the Site acknowledges your request, the equivalent will be charged to your Visa account and properly informed to you by email. The installment might be handled before we dispatch the item that you have requested. On the off chance that we need to drop the request after we have handled the installment, the said sum will be turned around back surprisingly/check card account. No money dispensing will be made for any reason at all.

Some of the time a cost online doesn’t match the cost. In our work to keep up with the reality of being the least cost supplier in the affiliate store estimating will some of the time vary from online costs. Costs and accessibility are dependent upon future developments with no earlier notification. Further, the depiction/execution of items expressed against each depends on the inventory and specialized writing printed by the makers/specialists. In this way, the review given against every item isn’t that of our own and is dependent upon future developments without earlier notification.

Redemption of carrefouruae.com coupon (Where Applicable)

Assuming that a client is permitted to reclaim a hungamastart.com coupon through the Site, that coupon will be recovered for everything just, and no fractional recovery is permitted.

Order Acceptance

We save the right, at its only tact, to decline or drop any request under any condition. Restrictions on amounts accessible for buy mistakes or blunders in item or valuing data, or issues distinguished by our credit and extortion are a few circumstances that might bring about the request being dropped, extra confirmations or data might be mentioned before tolerating any request. We will reach you if all or any piece of your request is dropped or on the other hand assuming extra data is expected to acknowledge your request. If your request is dropped after your credit/check card has been charged, the said sum will be turned around once more into your credit/check card account. No money dispensing will be made for any reason at all.

When the request leaves our strategies place, you will be advised by SMS with your shipment the following number.

The client must guarantee that they are available at the hour of conveyance.

Cancellations by the Customer

On the off chance that a scratch-off notice from your side is properly gotten by us and the request has not been handled/supported by us, we will drop the request and discount the whole add-up surprisingly/charge card.

Orders that are dropped after they have been sent are dependent upon a Rs. 99 scratch-off charge to be deducted from your discount for transportation and handling. We have the full right to determine if a request has been sent or not. The client makes a deal to avoid questioning the choice pursued by us and acknowledges our choice concerning the undoing.

Quantity Limits and Dealer Sales

We hold the right, at our only circumspection, to restrict the quantity of things bought per individual, per family, or request. The said impediments might apply to orders put by a similar record, a similar Visa, and to orders that utilize a similar charging as well as delivery address. We will give notice to the client should such cutoff points be applied. We additionally hold the right, at its only caution, to deny deals to sellers or affiliates. For reasons for these Agreements, exchanging will be characterized as buying or meaning to buy any product(s) from carrefouruae.com to participate in a business offer of that equivalent product(s) with an outsider.

Credit/Debit Card Information

We maintain whatever authority is needed to decline to acknowledge the Credit/Check Card or, in such case, the exchange is acknowledged, drop the exchange, at our only circumspection, as a feature of our extortion identification program.

The Credit/Check card subtleties given by you to profit from the administrations on the Site will be honest, legitimate, and precise and you will utilize the Credit/Charge card that is legally possessed by you, for example in a Credit/Check card exchange, you should utilize your Credit/Charge card. The said data won’t be used and shared by us with any of the outsiders except if expected for misrepresentation checks or by regulation, guideline, or court request. We won’t be responsible for any Credit/Check card extortion. The obligation for utilization of a card falsely will be on you and the obligation to demonstrate in any case will be solely on you.

Unlawful Transactions

We maintain all authority to recuperate the expense of items, assortment charges, and legal advisors’ expenses from people utilizing the Site falsely. We claim all authority to start legal procedures against such people for deceitful utilization of the Site and some other unlawful demonstrations or acts or exclusions in the break of these Agreements.


At the point when you visit the Site or send messages to the Site, you are speaking with us electronically. You agree to electronically get correspondence from us. We will speak with you by email or by posting sees on the Site. You concur that all arrangements, notifications, divulgences, and different correspondences that we give to you electronically fulfill any legitimate necessity that such correspondences be recorded as a hard copy.

As a client, you concur and affirm on the accompanying:

1. In the occasion of a non-conveyance happening by a mix-up by you (for example wrong name or address or some other wrong data), any additional expense caused by us for redelivery will be guaranteed from you.
2. All orders are transported out by dispatch or provider conveyances. Conveyance is regularly house to house yet there might be cases where this is unimaginable because of messenger organization constraints or nearby regulations.
3. You will give the right data mentioned from your side. We claim all authority to affirm and approve the data and different subtleties given by you anytime. If upon affirmation your subtleties are viewed not as obvious, we have the right, in our only watchfulness to dismiss the enlistment and restrict you from utilizing the administrations of the Site.
4. That you are executing through this Site at your only gamble.
5. That right and appropriate place where the conveyance of the item requested by you will be given by you. On the off chance that a beneficiary’s location is viewed as deficient or wrong, we might endeavor to track down the right location and complete the conveyance, however, we take care of our powerlessness to finish the conveyance under such conditions. If the location is erroneous, or on the other hand on the off chance that conveyance can’t be finished, an additional charge for additional expense will be forced on the client.
6. before submitting a request, you will check the item portrayal cautiously. By submitting a request for an item, you consent to be limited by the states of offer remembered for the thing’s portrayal.

Display of Products

The colors of our products that appear on the Website will be displayed as accurately as possible. However, as the actual colors you see will depend on your monitor, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any color will be accurate.

Conveyance Expenses

Transporting costs will be determined as follows:

Weight and size of the item.

Shipment conspires.
In the area you are delivering to (likewise called the objective) all orders are sent out by messenger or provider conveyances. Conveyance is typically house to house however there might be examples where this is preposterous because of messenger organization impediments or nearby regulations.

Amendment of the Terms and Conditions

We may out of the blue alter the Agreements of the Site with next to no earlier warning to you. You can get to the most recent form of the Agreements at some random time on the Site. In the occasion the adjusted Agreements are not OK to you, you ought to stop utilizing the help of the Site. Be that as it may, assuming you keep on utilizing the help you will be considered to have consented to acknowledge and comply with the adjusted Terms and States of this Site.

We and our providers and licensors explicitly hold all licensed innovation privileges in all text, programs, items, processes, innovation, content, and different materials, that show up on this Site. Admittance to this Site doesn’t give and will not be considered as presenting upon anybody any permit under any of our or any outsider’s protected innovation freedoms. All freedoms, including copyright, in this Site, are claimed by or authorized to us/our subsidiaries. Any utilization of this Site or its items, remembering duplicating, or putting away it or them for entire or part, other than for your very own, non-business use is restricted without our authorization. You may not adjust, circulate, or re-post anything on this Site for any reason.


These Agreements is successful except if and until ended by it is possible that you or us. You might end these Agreements out of the blue, given that you suspend any further utilization of this Site. We might end these Agreements out of the blue and may do so promptly without notice, and as needs be deny your admittance to the Site. Such an end will be with next to no risk to us. Upon any end of these Agreements by possibly you or us you should quickly annihilate all materials downloaded or generally acquired from this Site, as well as all duplicates of such materials, whether made under these Agreements, etc. Our right to any criticism will endure any end of these Agreements. Any such end of these Agreements will not drop your commitment to pay for the item previously requested from the Site or influence any risk that might have emerged under these Agreements.


However, we ensure that the conveyance of bought items will be followed through on time. No cases, punishments, discounts, or part discounts against us in the event of postpones in conveyance or mistakes in conveyance. Even though We plan to offer you the most ideal help assuming an issue happens in our administrations, you ought to report it promptly to Client Administrations by Email at [email protected] and we will endeavor to address the shortcoming within a sensible time.
Subsequently, we enthusiastically suggest that you read the names on the items you buy and not depend on the data given on the site.

Entire Agreement

Assuming any piece of these not set in stone to be invalid or unenforceable under material regulation including, however not restricted to, the guarantee disclaimers and risk constraints set out above, then, at that point, the invalid or unenforceable arrangement will be considered to be supplanted by a substantial, enforceable arrangement that most intently matches the aim of the first arrangement and the rest of these Agreements will go on active. Except if generally determined in this, these Agreements comprise the whole understanding among you and us concerning the Site destinations/administrations and it overrides generally earlier or contemporaneous correspondences and recommendations, whether electronic, oral, or composed, among you and us concerning the Site locales/administrations. Our inability to act concerning a break by you or others doesn’t postpone it, on the whole, correct to act concerning ensuing or comparable breaks.

What are your conveyance charges?

We charge a conveyance expense of Rs.99 on all standard conveyance orders under Rs.99, and a powerful conveyance expense on all Presently arranges.

What is the service fee?

We charge a proper help expense of Rs.99 on Planned orders and Rs.99 on Shop Presently orders. This expense assists us with overhauling your request, offering a quality combination of items web-based, updating our innovation, and giving the best shopping experience to our clients.

What is the difference between delivery and service fees?

The conveyance expense is charged to take care of the expense of carrying your request to your doorstep. The assistance expense assists us with keeping on giving the best shopping experience to our clients.


At the point when an item at the hour of selecting is from stock, Hungamastart will pick another option. Assuming the cost of the new item is higher, you won’t be charged extra and if it’s less, you’ll pay the more modest sum.

Contact Details:

Hungamastart 9-3-58/AK/9/9 Hyderabad, Telangana

Email: [email protected]

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